Wednesday, February 27, 2013
WOW! This has been a crazy couple of weeks. I've been busy at the shop, we're getting our new website in order and should be up and running better than ever in a couple of days , doing some crazy sewing and, yes, lots of rug hooking (my new addiction). Our rug hooking group meets every Wednesday afternoon at the shop and in Zanie Janie's coffee shop, which is attached to our shop. We had such a bad weather forecast for today, but it ended up with a lot less snow and our "hookers" all made it in. I'd like to share some of the finishes and projects that everyone has been working on.

This darn blogger put my pictures on a different way tonight and I don't know how to put text between them. Anyway, at least you're able to see some of the great rugs that our group is finishing up!
Last Saturday night we went to the 4-H Fiesta Fundraiser and had a ball! Abbey and Jack both took a turn on the bull while Papa and Gannon looked on. I was so happy that our Chad and Kim joined us. My Mom came with us and enjoyed spending time with her family.
I hope to have some great new goodies from the shop on here within a couple of days, but in the meantime, keep your creative juices flowing and share pictures of your creations!
Until next time...
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Good Tuesday afternoon friends. Just hanging out and trying to get creative today. SOOO much to do before the end of March with the Breckenridge Show coming on March 30th! I decided to take a little break and share a few of my "little dolls" with you. For years I've loved the big dolls, but just how many can you have???
These little cuties are so simple and prim. The middle one is done on an old spool and the one on the right I picked up in Ohio with Peggy.
This is my very favorite bottle doll done by The Funky Tennessee Artist (and also my best friend Connie). She holds a place of honor on top of the new little antique cupboard from The Parson's Wife.
Another original design by Connie is this make-do on a stump. I got it the last time I visited Tennesee. Speaking of Tennessee, we're so hoping to make a trip down there this spring for a visit and to go to the Clinton Antique Fair. Can't wait to visit with Rebecca and Sharon, meet Betty, and (of course) have some porch sitting time with Connie. Isn't it fun to have something to look forward to? That's half of the excitement! I'm also looking forward to our rug hooking group tomorrow. Got a new one started and our group of gals is so great, always fun when Wednesday rolls around! Tonight we are excited that Debbie and her brother Chris (from Oklahoma) are coming for dinner. Welcome to Michigan Chris! Lots to get finished up before then, so I better sign off for now. Until next time...
Monday, February 11, 2013
Hi Prim Pals! What are each of you doing on this snowy morning? We have the day off today, but I'm getting ready to cut out lots of dolls, rabbits and more. I plan on sewing all evening and then again tomorrow. Besides filling the shop, we need to get LOTS ready to take to the Breckenridge Show on March 30th.
As most of you know, our own Suzanne teaches rug hooking at the shop every Wednesday afternoon and I haven't been able to participate much since before the holidays. Dick was such a sweetie, he "manned" the shop a couple weeks ago so I could go on a great rug hookers field trip to Kris Miller's studio. I bought this pattern, did a few changes on it and got it all hooked! I can't believe it! This is so addicting and I can't wait to do another one. After I get it steamed and bound, I plan on hanging it from an old tobacco stick over the PRIMITIVE red fireplace that Dick has built. Are any of you going to the rug hooking show at the Washtenaw County Fairgrounds in Ann Arbor in April? I can't wait!!!!!!!! Well friends, better get sewing while I still have some day left. Hope you're out there doing something creative on this Monday of Valentine's week. Until next time...
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Dick that is! He has been a very busy guy over in the woodshop these days. I'm loving the new furniture he has been bringing into the shop!
This new trestle table came in today and it is so pretty. Grubby buttermilk, just right for your prim home.
How about this new noodle board? It has a towel hanger across the front to hang towels or a feedsack to hide your whole stove!
Got the new stepback moved today and put in place. It is one of my all time favorites that Dick has built. Just the perfect size for any room.
Another great creation is this tilt-top black table. The seat has storage with old leather hinges.
Dickens is looking like I feel tonight! He got pooped out at work and is snoring like crazy - half hanging off the couch. He is growing like a weed and his 3 month birthday was yesterday. Well friends, stay warm and safe. They say the snow is coming! IFFFF we get too much, I might just stay home tomorrow and sew all day! Until next time...
Saturday, February 2, 2013
It's almost here! Our second annual Superbowl Sunday Party at the shop. I have been pricing and placing LOTS of new handmades and thought you might just like a LITTLE sneak peek at a couple of things. I feel so blessed to have met Tammy Jias and to have her primitive work to offer to our customers. I wanted to bring one of everything home with me! I so hope you can make it tomorrow between noon and 5 p.m. The soup will be on (literally) with lots of other yummy goodies to munch on.
This "resting bunny" is to die for! I only got two and I want to bring one home so bad, but I'm holding off so our customers can have the first chance.
The bunnies have hopped in all over the place, every shape and size! We have garden bunnies, old-time bunnies, bottle bunnies, and more!
LOTS of other handmades throughout the shop too. I love this big doll and the tulips.
An amazing new item are these flameless candles. I've never seen anything look so real. We have them in grubby ivory and dark red.
A few copies of Judy Condon's new "Make It Country" are still available.
Dick outdid himself this time on the new small step-back. Oh my, I was so surprised when he came wheeling it in today! Don't forget that we just returned from the markets, so there is a huge variety to choose from.
Last by not least, I'd like to wish our Gannon a happy 15th birthday. He spent the night at our house Thursday night and this is a picture right after he woke up on his birthday morning. He is my shining star! Well pals, hope we can have a party with you tomorrow! Until next time...
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