Good afternoon Prim Pals! Finally had a day to putz around my own house and it felt so good! As most of you know, a little before my Dad passed, we rented out our wonderful old home and made a lot of changes. We "gutted" my mom's walk-out and made an apartment so she wouldn't have to live alone. It's been a long time since I showed you pictures of our little apartment, but thought it might be fun to share. We used a lot of old cupboard in our kitchen, except for the stove/sink wall. I love how it turned out and it feels so cozy - especially on these cold, blustery days.

One of the old cupboards is a Hoosier that Dick's parents had had in a cottage up north. I just love it, the work area is old wood.

My stove board is an antique noodle board and it fits perfect. Sometimes I display it on top of our island.

This shelf is over the sink and filled with old graters, tin molds and old bottles. Probably my favorite!

My Rosie dog claims the end of the couch most of the time. (That's why there is a blanket on it!)

What man doesn't love his leather recliner? Oh well.

I'm still crazy about my couch and chair that I bought from Earlene (Primitive Passion Decorating). It fit perfectly!

My favorite collection has to be primitive pinkeeps. Sometimes I group them all together, but I decided to spread them out a bit. Strawberries anyone?

I broke down today and got out a few spring goodies. Just love these two bunnies, I've had them for quite awhile.

I put my cinnamon carrots and eggs and the feedsack eggs in the wooden bowl with a candle. Filled it up just right.

And this bowl always reminds me of my friend Connie. We used to watch for different carrots whenever we would go on a shopping adventure.

Not sure if I ever showed you the table we got this winter. Friend Debbie sold it to me - finally!!! It's an oldie and has two big drawers on the side. Perfect place to dine and to work on projects.

I also bought my pie safe from Debbie years ago. Can you see my new bottle doll from The Funky Tennessee Artist? I haven't bought anything I like so well in a long time!

Another purchase from friend Debbie was the old dough box. Filled 'er right up with firkins and crocks!

Okay, we all have one messy spot. This is the place I set and read all of your wonderful blogs. We have a little sitting area off the living space.

Friend Carol sold me this fireplace a few years ago and it just "warms" this area up.

Another favorite are stitcheries. The one Connie made for me this Christmas is out of this world. My little grapevine tree stays out all year. Love the glow at night.

I got the blanket crane shelf at one of the shows and it fit perfectly over my fireplace!

Got some old stockings "drying" over the fire!

Do you collect different candles?

When I went to Tennessee last fall, friend Connie had made this great burlap "prim place" bag for me and filled it with drieds. Thank you Connie!

And at the end of the day, we crawl into our cozy bed. Can you tell I love old longjohns?
Well friends, hope you enjoyed the little tour. Hoping to make some changes in the near future. I guess you can make anyplace a home - even a walk-out!
For all of you gals that have been buying dolls, I just heard that another shipment from The Funky Tennessee Artist was mailed this morning. I should have them by Wednesday or Thursday. I can't wait - I saw some preview pictures and they are prim perfect.
Enjoy the rest of your day. I'm off to start sewing bunnies and more.
Until next time...