What a wonderful the world of blogging is! I'd like to send a big thank you to all of you that sent such supportive comments and e-mails about my dad. It just means the world to me. The day after Thanksgiving we spent waiting for Dad to come out of surgery. After putting him through moving him to the hospital and the surgery, we still don't know what is causing the internal bleeding. He is so very confused and it feels like we're still no further ahead.
While he was in surgery, I watched as they were putting up the tree in the lobby of the hospital.

Load after load of poinsettas were brought in.

Finally the first ones were taken to the top. I had to leave before it was completed, but when I got there this morning...

it was standing in all it's glory with explanations on these signs.

Isn't it just magnificent? This picture was taken from the second floor.

Last evening we had the village tree lighting in town and Lucy got her first very own Christmas cookie.

Abbey had a heart to heart with Santa.

But when it was Lucy's turn, she didn't think she liked it very much!

I got lots of new goodies in the shop and thought I'd share with you - hope you have your cup of coffee ready for lots of pictures! These Santa hats are just the best, they can also be flipped up and used for centerpieces.

The top of the hat is filled with greens, pinecones and candy canes.

Sharon painted Santa on this old ironing board - she also did a snowman.

This big old snowman is waiting to go to someone's porch - where it's cold and he won't melt!

More Santa longjohns - still my favorite.

Cute little burlap bags filled with greens and candy canes.

These lamp/tart warmers are the best. If you put the cylinder down in the jar, it turns it into a tart warmer and the light comes through the punch pinwheels.

These jars are awesome too. They have a candle holder in the bottom and are perfect for a battery candle and greens. They can set or hang.

Black Crow candles are here too. They look so prim, smell so good and burn like a dream.

Old white Hoosier top is filled with all kinds of Christmas goodies.

Anyone want to bake gingerbread?

This old walnut cupboard is great! Two drawers on top and two doors with shelves. Prim perfect!

How about Mommy/Daughter aprons, chef's hats and potholders. Couldn't you just see them cooking Christmas dinner? (Or maybe Grandma would like one.)

This sign is on our old back cabin wall.

Cute "scrappy" signs are here, this one...

and this one.

All different kinds of gourds by Bonnie.

I keep thinking of taking this old shutter home to hang by the front door. This is just a sampling of some of the new wares. More and more and more are coming into the shop. There's got to be something just for you!

Today was the kickoff for this year's Dickens Festival. I was so busy that I didn't get many pictures - maybe next Saturday! The temps were only in the 20's and the wind was bitter. Love the carriage rides, we always take the grandchildren on at least one ride.

It is so wonderful when the festival singers come into the shop - it also gives them a chance to warm up! I am so proud to live in our little village and the events that we are blessed with.
Tonight I am beyond tired and it's time to just rest until tomorrow - when we go pick up another load of antiques!
Thank you again for the prayers for Dad, it means the world to me. Can't wait to go see him tomorrow and just hold his hand.
Have a special Sunday and post those decorating pictures - it's so much fun to see what everyone else is doing!
Until next time...