WOW! Am I ever pooped! After four days of non-stop shopping, hauling, pricing, and then two 12 hours days of moving the shop around this old body has about had it! BUT, the good news is, the shop has never looked better. I think the goal has been reached and we are finally back to our prim roots. I got rid of my work area and opened the "log cabin" back up and it feels so great to have so much more space to fill. Just have to do the front window and out front and we'll be ready for the open house on Saturday (August 27th). Hope you can make it!
Our live music will be starting on Saturday at 2 p.m. and we'll have tables out front for your comfort (if we don't get rain). If you haven't heard Dan Hays sing before, then you're really in for a treat!
I hope to have lots of pictures to share by tomorrow, but for now, it's back to do some tweeking!
Until next time...