I hope I can safely say that maybe spring is finally arriving in Michigan. I'll sure take it - even though it is late coming. Dick brought me home this beautiful bouquet of lilacs Saturday, one of my very favorites. The sweet aroma is intoxicating!
The weather was fantastic yesterday - upper 80's!! We put the top down on the bug and had a good ride. We stopped to visit Dad in the nursing home, took him outside for some fresh air and then went to visit Dick's sister Judy and her husband Jerry. We all piled in and went for an ice cream. We stopped at the armed service memorial in Swartz Creek and the news station pulled up. They interviewed Dick and he was on T.V. last night. We came home and made bar-b-que chicken, a big salad and pea pods. The best part was the rhubarb pie that Mom made while we were gone! YUMMY!!!
Today we are going to get some things put together for the shop. We're working on a new potting bench, some BIG crow garden stakes, a fun planter box and more, more, more... Hope to have it all in the shop by the end of the week. Tomorrow I hope to spend the day sewing and finishing up some fun things in that area too.
Well friends, who's it going to be on Dancing With The Stars and American Idol this week??? I'm hoping for Chelsea and Mark on Dancing and Lauren on Idol. Got any favorites?
Tonight we are going to watch our Gannon in his middle school talent show. Can't wait! His Aunt Ashley gave him some pointers and he is very serious about this whole thing. Hope to have some pictures tomorrow.
It rained all morning, but now the sun is out and shining bright. Time to get outside and get to work on our projects. Hope you all have a wonderful, creative day!!!
Until next time...