Oh bliss! Saturday afternoon, after I closed the shop, Dick and I headed up north to our beloved Little House for the weekend. The colors were gorgeous and the cottage seemed to say "Welcome Home" as soon as we walked in the door. I putzed around some with a little fall decorating and we got things settled for the upcoming winter (boat and camper in storage, yard raked, etc.).

My dear little Dad built this mantle for me a few years ago and I cherish it with all my heart.

It's so much fun to light the fire (electric logs) and decorate the mantle for the changing seasons.

The little "log" cabin on the left is an oldie made from match sticks and the one on the right was given to me by one of my mom's lifelong friends.

Friend Connie and I made these paper mache characters years ago, but they are like old friends when I get them out every year.

What is a new season without some samplers?

I've had this cat for years too, but I still love her ruby slippers.

Another sampler done on burlap.

This big old carpenter's tote is in the kitchen and is filled with candy jars and "candy corn".

Annie's Sugar Cookies hangs over the sink.

These curtains are a new addition this year made from old feed sacks.

Every cottage needs some Campfire Marshmallows!

A lot of my old sifters made the pilgramage to the cottage when we moved.

This old window hangs in the kitchen and is filled with keepsakes from my mom and grandmother. The hooks to hang towels are made from bent spoons.

The old bike got dressed for fall too. The basket is FILLED with pine cones that were in the driveway.

Pine needles anyone?

Yesterday Dick and I took a drive along the Au Sable River and stopped at Lumberman's Monument.

What a wonderful place to learn about logging in Northern Michigan.

This is from the look out at the monument. We were down there in the boat just a few weeks ago!

Then up the road to Iargo Springs.

Another beautiful look out.

On the way home today we saw this is someone's yard! Yup, just had to stop! All of the pumpkins were from from $1 to $4! We got one for all of the grandchildren (7) and had to bring some home for us too!

Everything was on the honor system. Just put you money in a coffee can.

Can you believe that cornstalks were only $2???!!!

Even the fences were decorated with pumpkins!

I loved the top of the fenceposts.

This was an Amish farm. It was so beautiful with the horses grazing and the grand colors in the background. Just down the road there were three little Amish girls eating tomatoes in the garden in their little bonnets. I would loved to have had a picture of that, it was like something out of a story book.

More gorgeous colors on our way home.

There's nothing quite like fall in northern Michigan. Hope you enjoyed a little bit of our beautiful color.
Now, back to business. Tomorrow will be a full day of sewing, on to the markets later in the week, a couple loads of antiques, and then back to the shop to get things all in order. Hope you have a great week planned too.
Until next time...