Well, today was unload and "put out" day at the shop. We got some really great goodies at the show and I had a car load to unload when I got there. I was so excited! Jim and Sharon came around the corner with their new puppy - Susie Q. They had lost their old St. Bernard (Cricket) a few weeks ago and when I was in Ohio, I found a lady that had a litter of 10 week old puppies. She was kind enough to meet them part way and guess what they came home with? Yup, an adorable 20 lb., 10 week old sweetie pie.

Maybe she'll be our new resident mascot! Can you tell that Sharon is already smitten?

Now on with the new fall offerings. I love this line of candles by Black Crow Candle Co. They look so prim and smell SOOOOO good. Got room sprays too.

How about a little "Witch's Brew" potpourri?

Or a little spiced orange?

This small hooked rug is perfect for your table or wall for fall. The others flew out before I could get pictures.

This large hooked rug is beautiful.

These little hanging lights with the Halloween bulbs are so sweet. I love the pumpkin bulb!

This black lit house is so much fun. Also the little wax pumpkins on the porch. Friend Debbie brought in the orange tea cart - isn't it perfect for fall?

Lots of new lamps - bobbins, jars and candles.

Have you ever seen a sweeter ghost?

These wax pumpkins are so great. The round ones have a lid that comes off with a battery tea light and potpourri inside.

This mallot candle holder is awesome.

Love, love, love the cornstalks with the crows!

This little black bike with the mustard star is as sweet as it can be. The basket is filled with autumn drieds and would be perfect on your porch.

Now onto the handmades that I've been working on since we got back. This orange pumpkin has four crows lined up on the top.

Large black dolls holding a pumpkin, crow and sunflower. She has curly wire hair and big black boots.

The pictures do not do these cats justice - they are my favorite.

One has a crow on her tail.

They are weighted with wire whiskers.

The other one has a mouse on her tail.

This big white pumpkin has two bats flying around the stem, a crow is sitting on top of the stem, and a witch hat on the side.

This big old pumpkin guy is sitting on a bobbin. He has a witch hat on the side, and two sticks with crows.

Have you ever seen a friendlier ghost?

This witch is adorable. She has a Sweet Annie broom, her big old crow, string hair and a cheesecloth skirt.

This little pumpkin witch couldn't be cuter. She has twig arms and is holding a pumpkin.

The mouse must have been hiding in the pumpkin, because he stuck his head out for a peek!
More and more fall and Halloween are pouring into the shop on a regular basis. Hope you can get in soon to see it. People were buying out of the boxes this morning before I could even get it out! (HOORAY!) Isn't this just the most fun time of year?????
Until next time...