What a fun weekend! Friday afternoon Debbie and I headed for Coldwater, Michigan to get a room for the night and some rest before our first show at The Old Granary in Quincy. We hit a few shops along the way and stopped in to see where our booth was going to be. We got checked into our hotel and then went out for a great dinner. We even snuck in a mud slide before dinner and it was YUMMY!
Saturday morning we got up early and headed to the show. It was so chilly and WINDY! Had to get things set up and ready before 10 a.m. There were a lot of people doing some early shopping and it was so much fun to meet new people. The wind was a battle all day long, I don't know how many times we picked things up from blowing over!
The show was loaded with some of the greatest prims! It was hard to stay in our own booth!

The scarecrows were a big hit!

The bin is gone too!

Poor cold Debbie was surveying our wares.

The show was lots of fun, we learned tons (especially to remember to bring chairs!), and look forward to the next time.

The grounds were so festive and people came like crazy!

The tents wrapped all the way around the shop and it was so much fun to see what everybody else brought!

If you're ever in the area, don't miss this shop. Joann was the greatest hostess and her the gals helping her were just the best and most helpful.

The back side of the shop had Sweet Annie and sunflowers growing like crazy!

Isn't this adorable? Just love the whole shop and grounds!

This is the front of the shop. The porches were so inviting and what barn is complete without an old tin roof???

When you step inside, you are greeted with genuine warmth.

Great prims are everywhere you look!

How about this fireplace wall???

There were candles burning (yummy scents), pretty lights and you could just feel fall!

The fence on the mantle was just the best! It would be cute all year long!

Joann even has great homespuns for sale! Be sure to stop and see her when you can and tell her Dawn sent you!
Sunday was my birthday and Dick, Mom and Abbey took me out for a wonderful dinner (after I unloaded, put things back in the shop, and worked for the afternoon)! We also stopped in to see Dad and celebrate with him for awhile. Zanie Janie surprised me with the most wonderful LONG white shirt, great jam and some of her fantastic coffee. Can't wait to wear my new shirt! While we were in Coldwater, Debbie brought me an antique round, tin lunchpail with the greatest big battery candle inside. It smells wonderful and I'm going to have to find the perfect spot for it!
This is going to be another BUSY week! We have our Witch's Nite Out on Friday evening and then the downtown antique show is Saturday. I'll post more on those events a little later in the week, but mark your calendars!
Have a great day and we'll talk again soon.
Until next time...